
CONVENT - Space for Contemporary Art - Tennisbaanstraat 74, 9000 Ghent

Discovering Paulo de Cantos


Opening: 19.04.2024 - 8 p.m.

Open: Friday & Sunday, 2-6 p.m.

Paulo de Cantos (Portugal, 1892-1979) a publisher, bibliophile, educator, and amateur typographer who wrote, designed, and published around forty titles between 1920 and 1960 occupies a particular place in the process of artistic modernisation in Portugal. This exhibition presents the viewer with Cantos’ self-published work through the narratives of his (re)discovery by the Portuguese graphic design studio barbara says.

The book "A Cantos Compendium" will be for sale during the exhibition.

Organised by: Michaël Bussaer, Inge Ketelers, barbara says, Convent
With the support of: LUCA School of Arts - Sint-Lucas, Ghent