Ans Nys


  • Wijsbegeeerte, Ugent, 1999-2002
  • Lerarenopleiding Kask, 1997
  • Master Vrije Kunsten (Vrije Grafiek), 1992-1996


  • Kunstfilosofie met als bijzondere focus op de 18de en 19de eeuw (Kant, Schiller, Hegel, Schlegel)
  • De akt van het tekenen
  • Confessional drawing (& poetry)
  • De geschiedenis en de theorieën over de praktijk van het tekenen
  • De verwantschappen tussen tekenen en schrijven
  • Brieven, briefromans, briefgedichten
  • lopend project: De brieftekening

Can drawings be letters? Is there anything like an epistolary drawing? Drawing and writing both originate in the physical gesture of the hand. Letters and drawings are seemingly direct and intimate ways of leaving behind thoughts and feelings on a piece of paper. As such, they don't necessarily figure as art. But quite often, both the drawing and the letter have been intended as a work of art. Keeping this in mind, this project wants to balance on the edge of fact and fiction, daily life and art, past and present, the analogue and the digital. A distinct quality of a letter is the fact it is addressed to someone, a quality drawings don't necessarily share. Although there exists something in the forgotten folds of art history 'il disegno per amore e non per obrigo'.


  • My Life and the Life of Others, Ans Nys, 2003
  • Th Ink, Reflections on Drawing, Sint-Lucas Gent, 2010
  • Drawing in - and outside - Writing, RGAP, UK, 2012
  • Acco Cahier Drawing in - and outside - Writing, KULeuven, 2012


  • Coördinator en docent Beeldonderzoek
  • Docent Tekenen
  • Scriptiebegeleiding
  • Lezingen The Drawing Incident
  • Lid van Onderzoeksgroep Art & Argument