# | Yoel Pytowski & Dora Benyo
organized by the specialization Fine Arts on 11 december 2019
Yoel Pytowski
In his in-situ installations, Pytowski questions space itself as a central narrative element, an approach he uses to refer to the future and the past. In the past five years, his practice focused primarily on large-scale architectural installations. By introducing new physical elements, or by creating gaps in a location, he blurs the reading of the already existing space in which elements – mostly concrete – seem to bury themselves or emerge from underground.
Dóra Benyó
The topic of being displaced is the core of Dóra Benyó's video installations and performances. In her projects, she compares the voyeuristic role of the camera to the eye of the spectator, watching the scene from outside the frame. On a loosely and playful matter she has developed the method of staged copying, where she re-enacts moments of the past as means to review reality. The performers become the interpreters of themselves, collaboratively searching for their proper place. That is how they represent their adaption towards each other in environments.

# | David Bergé, Renée Lorie, Bastiaan van Aarle
David Bergé (1983)
practices photography without cameras.
In his work, he addresses performative and embodied aspects of photographic materiality and time. He uses the body as a device to capture images; through the construction of an experience, often performative and over time.
Audience gets invited through different projects and hybrid formats into a journey of lecture performances, site specific interventions, installations and book projects. What he is most known for though, are his Walk Pieces in which participants are taken in silence through the fabric and infrastructures of cities.
From 2012 onward, Bergé began working with the archive of photographs taken by August Klipstein and Charles-Édouard Jeanneret (who would later come to be known as Le Corbusier) during their ‘Voyage en Orient’ from 1911. Two installations and a book negotiating the production of documents from this historic trip slowly uncover an early twentieth-century desire for spatial understanding, rather than photographic representation.
Since 2009, Bergé has been teaching and mentoring at a number of different institutions, including Srishti School of Art, Design and Technology in Bangalore (IN); Beckett University in Leeds (UK), the Architectural Association in London (UK), Ghent University (BE); UdK, University of the Arts in Berlin; LUCA school of the Arts, Brussels, and many others.
David Bergé currently lives in Athens and Brussels and holds an MA from the Dutch Art Institute (2017) and an MFA from LUCA Brussels (2005).
Renée Lorie (° 1989) lives and works in Brussels, Belgium
Studies: shortened bachelor photography at LUCA school of arts, Brussels (2013 – 2016), master film studies and visual culture at university of Antwerp (2012 – 2014), bachelor art history at university of Ghent (2007 – 2011)
Latest exhibitions:
/.TIFF, Fotomuseum Antwerpen, 2019
/Noordzee, in group exhibition with the collective 1010, Recyclart, november 2019
/noctuary, solo exhibition Netwerk Aalst, november 2019
/noctuary, publication with Posture Editions, booklaunch at Netwerk Aalst, november 2019
/statues, in collaboration with Eva Beazar, in group exhibition “geliefde lichamen”, KADOK, Leuven, june 2019
/“many a moon”, concept, Recyclart, Brussels, 2019
/tussentijd, in collaboration with Judith Desmyttere, and buitentijd, in group exhibition “many a moon”, Recyclart, Brussels, may 2019
Bastiaan van Aarle is a landscape photographer who works around questions of the human influence on the landscape, the concept of time in photography and the two-dimensionality of the medium.
- 01:20 - Hatje Cantz Verlag
- Interactions - Self-published
Latest Exhibitions:
- Moving Mountains (Solo show) - Moment, Tongeren/ Le Botanique, Brussel
- International Photo Festival Leiden - Lammermarkt, Leiden

# | With Bare Hands - A live narration documentary by Isacco Chiaf & Serenella Martufi
organized by the specialization Media & Information Design on 11 March 2019
With Bare Hands is a live performance documentary that will guide the audience inside the ship-breaking yards of Bangladesh. Live music, data visualization and performance will be combined to provide a comprehensive overview of the issue through a unique multimedia format. Live narration, photography and reportage documentary will tell the personal stories of whom lives are at risk because of this polluting industry.
Live narration: Serenella Martufi
Live music: Isacco Chiaf
Visuals: Isacco Chiaf, Tomaso Clavarino
Written by: Isacco Chiaf, Serenella Martufi, Sharanya Deepak
With Bare Hands was made in collaboration with and supported by the NGO Shipbreaking Platform & Medeber Teatro.

DIP stands for 'Dive into Practice'. Within the 'DIP Talk' format each department of Visual Arts Sint-Lukas Brussels yearly invites 3 recently graduated alumni to talk about their developing practice. The DIP talks are informal, take place in the studio and are followed by drinks.