
Kamermuziekzaal, LUCA Campus Lemmens, Lemmensberg 3, 3000 Leuven

Doctoral defense of Filip Verneert


Throw them in the deep end. The potential of musical improvisation in connecting participatory music activities and formal music education.

Filip Verneert will defend his doctoral research in the Arts, titled:

"Throw them in the deep end. The potential of musical improvisation in connecting participatory music activities and formal music education."

There is a growing evidence that musical improvisation has the potential to promote a music education for all. In this respect, participatory music activities demonstrate alternative pedagogical approaches to joint music making through collective free improvisation (CFI) that may enrich formal music educational practices by fostering a more democratic and inclusive learning environment. This research encompasses the relationship between well-being and CFI (Study 1), the lived experience of students in general education engaging in CFI (Study 2) and the pedagogical-artistic strategies employed by the coaches in a participatory music project (Study 3). Results indicate that CFI has the potential to enhance inclusive musical and social interaction, leading to a meaningful music education that nurtures creativity. Moreover, the profound interconnectedness of well-being, flow, improvisation, and musical development reflects a ‘caring’ stance towards music education.

The doctoral defense will take place on Friday March 22 at 15h00 at the Kamermuziekzaal, LUCA Campus Lemmens, Lemmensberg 3, 3000 Leuven.

The members of the examination committee are:

  • Dean prof. dr. Simon Van Damme (LUCA School of Arts/KU Leuven, chairman of the examination committee)
  • Prof. dr. Thomas De Baets (supervisor, LUCA School of Arts/KU Leuven)
  • Prof. dr. Luc Nijs (cosupervisor, University of Luxembourg)
  • Prof. dr. Katrien Foubert (LUCA School of Arts/KU Leuven)
  • Em. Prof. dr. Ferre Laevers (KU Leuven)
  • Dr. Mary Stakelum (Royal College of Music, London)
  • Dr. Maria Varvarigou (Mary Immaculate College, University of Limerick, Ireland)

Purchase a free ticket here.