Master of Arts in European Film Heritage, History and Cultures - Erasmus Mundus
120 ECTS / 2 year - Brussels - Lisbon - Dublin - (Tallinn) / Engels
Campus Brussel / Sint-Lukas

Master FilmMemory

International Master / Joint Master Degree

FilmMemory is a new Erasmus Mundus Joint Master (EMJM) that deals with audio-visual heritage and with the preservation, restoration, recirculation, and utilisation of that heritage in the context of current and evolving screen cultures. 

The programme partly focuses on working with film stock archives, but also emphasises other contemporary challenges, including the role of digital media, tools, and associated skills, addressing emerging possibilities regarding the scope and dissemination of film heritage material. As a joint master's programme, taught in four countries across Europe, FilmMemory offers a thorough interrogation of the social, political, and industrial diversity of European film cultures. This includes the analysis of historical and contemporary modes of production, distribution and presentation, and the contextualization of filmic material within discourses of reception, critique, and scholarship. Students will explore the ways in which films and documents about film cultures are archived, preserved, restored, re- circulated, re-used and re-constructed.

Hoe ziet de opleiding eruit?

Students spend the first semester in Belgium (LUCA School of Arts, Brussels), the second in Portugal (ULHT, Lisbon), and the third in Ireland (IADT, Dublin). During these three semesters, the students all follow the same curriculum on the same location. There is also a structural teacher mobility agreement with BFM (Tallinn, Estonia). Finally, during the fourth and final semester, the students still follow the same curriculum and all work on their FilmMemory Project [graduation project]. This time, however, they are distributed over the four partner universities. Participation is possible either with a scholarship granted by the Erasmus+ programme, or as a self-funded student.

The course is entirely taught in English and takes a practical approach, Click here for an overview of the full FilmMemory course curriculum. 

Over LUCA School of Arts

LUCA School of Arts is de enige kunsthogeschool in Vlaanderen. LUCA biedt een ruime waaier aan professionele en academische opleidingen, met meer dan vijftig studietrajecten in Audiovisuele Kunsten en Technieken, Beeldende Kunsten en Vormgeving, Interieurvormgeving, Bouwkunde, Productdesign, Muziek en Drama is ze een unicum in Vlaanderen. LUCA School of Arts is geassocieerd met de KU Leuven die haar architectuuropleidingen aanbiedt op campussen Sint-Lucas Gent en Brussel.

LUCA biedt hiermee zowel professionele bacheloropleidingen als academische bachelor- en masteropleidingen aan. Daarnaast biedt ze gespecialiseerde schakelprogramma’s om van professionele bacheloropleidingen naar masteropleidingen over te gaan en een rist aan mogelijkheden om ook na het behalen van een bachelor- of masterdiploma verder te studeren. Ten slotte kunnen afgestudeerden van LUCA via de KU Leuven ook doctoreren in de kunsten.

Want LUCA bundelt de kracht en expertise van vijf gerenommeerde instellingen op evenveel campussen verspreid over Brussel (Sint-Lukas Brussel en Narafi), Genk (C-mine), Gent (Sint-Lucas Gent) en Leuven (Lemmens).

Interesse in deze opleiding?

Starten met de opleiding

Who can apply?

FilmMemory is aimed at students from all over the world with a bachelor's degree (BA) in Audio-visual Arts, Film studies, Communication Studies, Arts, History, Cultural Studies or related subjects such as Archival Studies, Heritage Studies or Museology. Other degrees (of at least EQF Level 6) may be accepted from applicants with a convincing application package and upon completion of an outstanding application assignment. Applicants without such a degree must demonstrate a recognised equivalent level of learning according to national legislation and practices in the degree-awarding countries/institutions.Candidates eligible for scholarships are students who have obtained a primary higher-education degree or can demonstrate a recognised equivalent according to national legislation and practices of the degree-awarding country. While this condition must necessarily be fulfilled at the time of enrolment, the Consortium accepts scholarship applications from students in the last year of their first higher education degree.

More information about the admission requirements
More information about the admission procedure

Deadlines & interviews

You can apply until Friday, January 20 2025 at 10 AM (CET). Online videoconferencing interviews with selected candidates will be held from March 10 until March 13, 2025. For more information visit

Waar heb je les?

Waar heb je les?

  • 1st semester: Belgium (LUCA School of Arts, Brussels)
  • 2nd semester: Portugal (ULHT, Lisbon)
  • 3rd semester: Ireland (IADT, Dublin)
  • 4th semester: distributed over the four partner universities Brussels, Lisbon, Dublin, Tallinn
Na je studie

FilmMemory will play a significant role in providing specialists for audio-visual archives, cinemas, festivals, film funds, journals, museums, digital image processing labs, distribution companies, production companies, publishing/press agencies, and government agencies, where this kind of expertise, and associated skill sets, are in increasingly high demand.

Interesse in deze opleiding?