Terrarium, Luca School of Art, Campus Sint-Lukas Brussels, Paleizenstraat 70, 1030 Brussels
Black holes are highly fascinating phenomena in the universe. But what does science actually know about them? What do we know about their anatomy or their size? What is the so-called “event horizon” and how close can you get to a black hole without disappearing in it? And what happens when you are sucked into a black hole faster than the speed of light: do you completely vanish or are you just out of sight?
Inspired and informed by theoretical physicist Stéphane Detournay, 22 master’s students in Media and Information Design (MIND) from Luca School of Arts in Brussels transformed state of the art scientific ideas into artistic impressions and explanatory graphics. This exhibition, which has been guided and curated by Luca teachers Klaas Verpoest and Johan Van Looveren, offers a unique and explorative view on this highly complex topic.
“Collapse – part II” is an extension of the exhibition “Collapse” which took place during autumn 2021 at the BAC Art Lab in Leuven as part of the Knal Festival.
Gregory Denis, Tristan Heemels, Gijs Ipers, Margot Hunin, Ben Van Son, Ana Jacheva, Camila Cote Zapata, David Mareš, Dennis Fechner, Inês Magno, Jika Shaiymbetova, Magdalena Zawieracz, Patrick Vanvooren, Purvika Sharma, Red Pig Flower, Sara Pejhan, Ana Torres Baptista Parreira, Evi Vannerom, Kyo Schelfhout, Nathan Smekens, Tatyana Soubotko, Jane Powers and Galina Golovushkina.
February 16, 19.00 to 22.00h.
Audiovisual performance “Cosmo of Memories” by Red Pig Flower, 20.00h
February 17 & 18, 10.00 to 18.00h
Pieter Steyaert, February 17, 10.30h
Pieter Steyaert is co-founder of the international SEADS (Space Ecologies Art and Design) collective, and an exoplanetary researcher bridging art and science at the university of Antwerp and University of Copenhagen.
Terrarium - LUCA School of Arts
Campus Sint-Lukas Brussels
Paleizenstraat 70
1030 Brussels