
Paleizenstraat 116, 1030 Schaarbeek (Former project space)

Expo ohm (18.02-25.02 FORMER)


A high speed connection. Sequential excitations and equivalent energies. You, me (the voltage mix). Let’s plug ’n play. 

You’re invited to the jumper-cable-window-web.

FORMER is an artist-run space located in Brussels. We aim to build networks within and beyond the city, providing opportunities for artistic experiment and interventions. The groupshow ohm addresses energies created through connection. Each artist invited reflects on the concept or formality of plugs and sockets as generators and sources of energy. The works together, in the space, become then again constellations of new synergies.

With works of Susi Hinz, Anthony Ngoya, Francisco Correia, Laurens Germanes, Judith Geerts, Perri MacKenzie, Eline Kersten & Joris Burla, Amit Leblang, Fabien Karp, Johannes Luik, Isabell Bullerschen, Luth Lea Roose, Indigo Deijmann, Maaike Haverals, Chloé De Jaeger, Liselore Vandeput, Ben Caro & Kathryn Cutler-MacKenzie, Stijn Van Hoof, SOIL Collective, Bo De Maesschalck, Aglaia Konrad, Cédric Urbanski, Antoinette d’Ansembourg, princess d & katarzyna nowak, Simon Gheeraert, Minkyung Kim, Manuel Market, Mathilda Oosthuizen, Inês Neto dos Santos, Julien Jonas, Simon Risi, Rebecca Quix, Julia Schicker, Lynne Kouassi & Daniel Dressel, Rune Pauwels, Cristina Emmel, Kevin Gallagher, Paul de Toytot, Manon van den Eeden, Shira Barak, Maxime Favre, Yolanda Esther Natsch, Chris Hunter & Chris Regn & Nicole Boillat & Martina Baldinger, Elias Driesen & Bruce Verbeken, Conrad Bosshard, Andrea Kerstens, Emile Rubino, Nienke Fransen, Kjartan Soderberg, Camille Cornillon, Laura De Jaeger, Sarah Lauwers.

The exhibition goes on display from Thursday 18.02.21 17:00 up to Thursday 25.02.21 22:00 at FORMER (Paleizenstraat 116 1030 Brussel). All works will be visible through the vitrine. 

Looking forward to seeing you here!
The FORMER team
Francisco Correia, Laura De Jaeger, Julia Schicker, Rebecca Quix, Rune Pauwels, Sara Grütter (master students Fine Arts, Luca School of Arts, Sint-Lukas Brussels)

Dit project werd gerealiseerd met breakout.steun van LUCA School of Arts. LUCA steunt studenten, onderzoekers, docenten en medewerkers die LUCA School of Arts via allerlei initiatieven zichtbaar willen maken in de buitenwereld en bundelt daarvoor middelen. Een centraal budget verleent op laagdrempelige wijze ondersteuning aan welomschreven initiatieven.