The FAST45 Learning Platform supports the public presentation and representation of live research activities by members of the FAST45 research consortium.
Over a two-year research period, interviews, workshops, and lectures will be delivered, archived, and accessed within the platform. Initially populated by events from the Public Lecture Series, the Learning Platform will create a broad discussion on the historical, theoretical, and political character of educational technologies, platforms, and pedagogies in the art school. The archival material produced will generate analysis, critique, and experimentation with the form of the Learning Platform, at a time of unprecedented acceleration in digital education.
> 10.02.2022 - Daniel Weinbren
As a research partner in the FAST45 project, we are proud to announce the launch of the project and website followed by a public lecture by Open University’s Prof. Daniel Weinbren.
In his book, Re-imagining the Art School: Paragogy and Artistic Learning (London: Palgrave, 2009), Prof. Neil Mulholland proposes innovative methods to redefine the art academy. Developing critical case studies of open source and peer-to-peer methods, he asks what happens when artistic learners deliberately engage with emerging educational practices such as the open paradigm (Winn 2015), paragogy (Corneli 2011, 2016) and para-academia (Wardrop 2014)?
This lecture explores new visions and 'paratechnic' methods to build and imagine the art school of 2045 and will be followed by a Q&A session.
Guest speaker: Prof. Neil Mulholland
Professor Neil Mulholland is Chair of Contemporary Art Practice & Theory in The University of Edinburgh.He runs the MA Contemporary Art Theory program in Edinburgh College of Art. In Edinburgh, Neil works with Dan Brown, Jake Watts, and Naomi Garriock as Shift/Work, a group of artists who develop workshop models for artistic paragogy, participatory visual methods, and open educational resources. Neil recently published a book - Re-imagining the Art School (London: Palgrave, 2019) - which develops the paragogic of Shift/Work into a broader manifesto for art school reform and contributed a Shift/Workshop to Leap into Action (Peter Lang, 2019) a reader on performative pedagogies in art education.
FAST45 is a pan-European research project which aims to create and test new methodologies, envisage future scenarios, establish long-term international collaboration and develop tools and initiatives which will empower arts institutions not only to anticipate an unknown future but to actively shape it.
Involving arts educators, researchers, students, and business professionals working across artistic disciplines and leaping sectoral boundaries, FAST45 seeks to analyse, map, and predict the arts education landscape for 2045.
Meet the FAST45 partners and hear what the future
could hold for higher arts education.