Former Project Space, Paleizenstraat 116, 1030 Schaarbeek
We're thrilled to announce the next FORMER exhibition with Angyvir Padilla, Manon van den Eenden, Sarah Lauwers en Andrea KerstensĀ š
'Rehearsing Interiors' encompasses both the encounter of 4 artists and their works, and the performative exercise of finding angles, overlaps and matching points in the relationships suggested by the process of sharing a physical space. Although working with different mediums and techniques the artists explore the objecthood, nowadays deeply shaped by the way we perceive virtual realities.
The exhibition will be on view from 20.05 - 23.05 at Paleizenstraat 116, 1030 Schaarbeek, through a reservation system available. Book your ticket here.Ā 10 persons will be allowed in the space at the same time.š
FORMER is an artist-run space located in Brussels. LUCA-students and alumniĀ aim to build networks within and beyond the city, providing opportunities for artistic experiment and interventions.
This project was supported by the LUCA break out fund.
Dit project werd gerealiseerd met breakout.steun van LUCA School of Arts. LUCA steunt studenten, onderzoekers, docenten en medewerkers dieĀ LUCA School of Arts via allerlei initiatieven zichtbaar willen maken in de buitenwereld enĀ bundelt daarvoor middelen. Een centraal budget verleent op laagdrempelige wijze ondersteuning aan welomschreven initiatieven.