
Campus Sint-Lukas Brussel 
Paleizenstraat 70 & 116 - 1030 Brussel 

Graduation Show 2021: Master Visual Arts Brussels


We would like to warmly invite you to the Graduation Show 2021 of Campus Sint-Lukas Brussels and to discover the projects of the graduating master students Visual Arts. 

Fine Arts | Graphic Storytelling | Media & Information Design | Photography

#LUCAgrad21 #WeArt #Bxlmakers


Friday 25 June - *Only on invitation*

3.30 - 5.00 pm: Welcome to professionals and alumni 

5.30 pm - 7.30 pm: Performance ‘Breathe In’

Breathe In is an exploration in connection, non-verbal communication and interaction through meditation and creation. By bringing together the disciplines of real-time clay sculpting, drawing, and soundscaping, we influence each other to create abstract and narrative structures. The performance was first conceptualized as part of the Master Elective Common Grounds

Performed by: Bram Bulcke, Georgy Chtchevaev, Catherine Dewart, Robin hendrix

6.30 pm: Proclamation 3BA & Master Fine Arts & Photography

8.00 pm: Proclamation 3BA & Master Graphic Design: Media & information Design & Graphic Storytelling

Saturday 26 June - Exhibition open for visitors!

>> Visit the graduation show between 11 am and 8 pm. 

Other activities on campus:

11 am - 3 pm: Information day for new bachelor & masterstudents - more info

1 - 5 am: Concert Mus'ici, Het Collectief, Chamber Music Quintet - more info

5 pm: Book Launch: Geachte meneer Kant, Brieven van jonge kunstenaars aan filosofen (1BA) - more info

Sunday 27 June - Exhibition open for visitors!

>> Visit the graduation show between 11 am and 5 pm. 

Meet our graduates!

All the graduated master students of Visual Arts are showing their work on campus in order to offer a broad overview of the hard work that students finalize at the end of the academic year. Meet our graduates and check their work here!

LUCA Graduation '21

Ieder jaar toont LUCA School of Arts met gepaste trots het werk van haar afstuderende bachelors en masters. Ondanks de moeilijke omstandigheden verrassen onze bachelors en masters je ook dit jaar graag met tentoonstellingen, films, concerten en theaterstukken. Nieuw artistiek geweld kan je in real life ontdekken in Brussel, Gent, Genk en Leuven of online op onze website.


#WeArt #LUCAgrad21 #LUCAschoolofarts