
Fred&Ferry Gallery

Grandly Ghostly


Grandly Ghostly is a group exhibition moving through time in different realms. Obvious and hidden, unexpected, subtle, it is a chain reaction manifesting in various forms. This exhibition is a stretched candy-like conversation between titans, covered in blinky glitter scales, puzzled in grid-like voids, speaking all the languages. Their hearts are so pure and so big, barely fitting in their tiny bodies. Moving along, Pepa Ivanova invites you to the unstable world where the titans converse about shapes and colors, and what part of the conversation we may experience.

She invites you to meet them, with your heart.


Pieter Bullen, Josefien Cornette, Sam Druant, Lisa Ijeoma, Onur Kaymak, Lou Lambrecht, Svetlana Mitrofanova, Laura Puska, Saskia Smith, Stijn Van Renterghem, Tyana Verstraete, Pepa Ivanova

Dit project werd gerealiseerd met breakout.steun van LUCA School of Arts. LUCA steunt studenten, onderzoekers, docenten en medewerkers die LUCA School of Arts via allerlei initiatieven zichtbaar willen maken in de buitenwereld en bundelt daarvoor middelen. Een centraal budget verleent op laagdrempelige wijze ondersteuning aan welomschreven initiatieven.