
Parks of Brussels

Human Constellations


What would a first encounter feel like without words? Imagine expressing yourself in a dialogue through pushing, pulling and listening.

Human Constellations is a free workshop created by Alexandra Wuzyk in which we explore first encounters and interconnected movement. Participants (movers) are linked together with various materials – long wooden poles, strings and elastic. The constellation is guided by the improvisation energy of a group of musicians – bassoon, violin etc - and takes place under the sky.

Participants (movers) are free to be involved in the design of the constellation and move or dance in any way they feel comfortable, following the evolution of the soundscape or reacting to the impulses of the other bodies present.

You are invited to be part of this constellation as way to explore your own body and enjoy moving together.

We go exploring in the different Parks of Brussels:
Bois de la Cambre, Saturday 3 July 16:00
Parc du Cinquantenaire, Saturday 10 July 16:00
Woluwe Park, Saturday 17 July 16:00

Please register - email your full name to a.b.wuzyk@gmail.com and you will receive the precise location (which is usually also published here) or arrive spontaneously.

Dit project werd gerealiseerd met breakout.steun van LUCA School of Arts. LUCA steunt studenten, onderzoekers, docenten en medewerkers die LUCA School of Arts via allerlei initiatieven zichtbaar willen maken in de buitenwereld en bundelt daarvoor middelen. Een centraal budget verleent op laagdrempelige wijze ondersteuning aan welomschreven initiatieven.