REPLAY is the two year European Master Programme, in which students from across the globe come together with the objective of designing, experimenting and developing meaningful game experiences. Students are empowered to shape the future of Game Design, unlocking the industry's potential for creativity, innovation, and societal relevance. Throughout their journey, the students will be immersed in three unique national game development and artistic ecosystems. Join us in redefining the future of Game Design.
REPLAY is split between three games universities in three different European states: Lusófona University in Lisbon (Portugal), LUCA School of Arts in Genk (Belgium) and Aalto University in Helsinki (Finland). The REPLAY programme's curriculum focuses on a range of core subjects within the field of game studies, creation, and production. The programme is structured around three interconnected conceptual themes, each of which plays a crucial role in shaping the educational experience and the skills and knowledge acquired by students.
The course is entirely taught in English. Click here for an overview of the full REPLAY course curriculum.
LUCA School of Arts is de enige kunsthogeschool in Vlaanderen. LUCA biedt een ruime waaier aan professionele en academische opleidingen, met meer dan vijftig studietrajecten in Audiovisuele Kunsten en Technieken, Beeldende Kunsten en Vormgeving, Interieurvormgeving, Bouwkunde, Productdesign, Muziek en Drama is ze een unicum in Vlaanderen. LUCA School of Arts is geassocieerd met de KU Leuven die haar architectuuropleidingen aanbiedt op campussen Sint-Lucas Gent en Brussel.
LUCA biedt hiermee zowel professionele bacheloropleidingen als academische bachelor- en masteropleidingen aan. Daarnaast biedt ze gespecialiseerde schakelprogramma’s om van professionele bacheloropleidingen naar masteropleidingen over te gaan en een rist aan mogelijkheden om ook na het behalen van een bachelor- of masterdiploma verder te studeren. Ten slotte kunnen afgestudeerden van LUCA via de KU Leuven ook doctoreren in de kunsten.
Want LUCA bundelt de kracht en expertise van vijf gerenommeerde instellingen op evenveel campussen verspreid over Brussel (Sint-Lukas Brussel en Narafi), Genk (C-mine), Gent (Sint-Lucas Gent) en Leuven (Lemmens).
If you want to know more about which subjects you will receive, please view the educational offer with study guide for content and credits here.
Applications are open until the 15th of February 2024.
REPLAY is open to European and non-European students with a BA degree related with games, arts, design or computer science. Diplomas in different study areas are accepted for applicants with relevant professional experience in game design and production.
The mobility scheme offered by REPLAY is mandatory. During the first semester, the students all work together in Lisbon. The first semester in Lisbon is dedicated to harnessing local networks, contexts, and cultures, using these resources against the established grain of game-making. On the second semester, all students move to Genk, to work together at Luca School of Arts followed by a move to Helsinki, at Aalto University for the third semester. Finally, for their final semester, students will be guided in selecting a host university between Lusófona, Luca, and Aalto. If the student's final project involves an organization or company in a country outside Portugal, Belgium, or Finland, this organization has to be an official partner institution of REPLAY Masters. In that case, they can spend their final semester in the relevant country.