
The Social Hub 
Sphinxcour 9a, Maastricht (Nederland)

Research Talk - Right to land, right to imagination

Talks, lezingen en congressen

Humans, other than humans and even non-humans

Research Talk by Raquel Versieux - organised by LUCA School of Arts (Belgium)

Experiences from the communal-art based project Manejo Movente, carried out in the Cariri Region (Brazil) since 2019

Raquel Versieux (Belo Horizonte, 1984) is a multidisciplinary artist and scholar with a Ph.D. in Visual Languages (UFRJ, Brazil, 2023). Since 2019, she has been dedicated to the community-based art project "Manejo Movente" in Crato, Ceará, Brazil, with which she seeks to update decolonial concepts of landscape. She is currently based in Brussels.

  • Date: 25 January 2024
  • 18.00 Lecture + Q&A
  • 19:15 Drinks offered by the Research Unit Inter-Actions (till 20:00)


see www.raquelversieux.com