Maria Milisavljević is a German dramaturge and playwright. In the Shakespeare is dead- contemporary playwriting festival her text BEBEN will be presented.What? LUCA School of Arts, partner of the Shakespeare is dead festival, organizes this masterclass with Maria Milisavljević. This is not a workshop, but a workspace, aiming at creating a safe and open space for each participating playwright to work on a (new) script, scene or text close to their hearts. The goal of this workspace is not to produce a polished, finished (and consumer-friendly) script or scene, but an exploration about and around the texts. Session 1 will have a specific focus on writing and session 2 on critique and play development.
This workspace will be held in English. Written language is each participant’s native language. The lecturer will bring material and topics for them to start working with.
The workspace will be open on Wednesday, February 23 (session 1) and Friday, February 25 (session 2) from 10.00 until 12.30 AM. Attendance at both sessions is mandatory.
Daklokaal - OPEK (Vaartkom 4, Leuven), the headquarters of the festival.
This workshop allows for 18 participants, there are 9 vacancies to be filled. Please send in a short motivation (max. 300 words) and your cv to playwritingspa@lucadrama.be before Friday, February 4, 2022.Participants should have some experience in writing, especially in writing for the stage. There is no participation fee to be payed.
Motto: In play development the most important person in the room is the text. It is never criticized, it is commented on. It is never put down, it is lifted up.