ZED-Vesalius, Leuven
LUCA School of Arts (Brussels, Belgium) Audiovisual Arts, in collaboration with DocNomads, will host a symposium on contemporary documentary film. This open call for papers and panel proposals is for a two-day conference, with keynote speakers and an evening screening. Our aim is towards a live, in-person conference to take place in Leuven with an opening event on the 22nd and the symposium on 23th & 24th March, 2022, in collaboration with Docville and the additional participation of LUCA PhD’s, DocNomads students and faculty, as well as Beursschouwburg (Brussels).
Confirmed keynote speakers include author Dara Waldron (New Nonfiction Film) and artist-filmmaker Fiona Tan (Archive, Ascent). The symposium will also include a screening of work(s) by Fiona Tan.
In recent years, documentaries have evolved significantly due to technological, social and economic shifts, impacting both storytelling and design.
moderator: Dara Waldron
‘I stare into a deep blue ocean and see only Light:' Making Sense of Personal Documentary as an Art of Nonfiction
moderator: Roel Vande Winkel
+ visit expo Wael Shawky
This symposium, organized by LUCA School of Arts and DOCNomads, focuses on these evolutions in documentary making. It is also part of DOCVILLE ACADEMY. a festival for documentary lovers and the platform for activities for and by documentary professionals. Over the course of several days, there are activities and networking moments for professionals from the documentary world. Detailed information and registration methods can be found at www.docville.be
Dit project werd gerealiseerd met breakout.steun van LUCA School of Arts. LUCA steunt studenten, onderzoekers, docenten en medewerkers die LUCA School of Arts via allerlei initiatieven zichtbaar willen maken in de buitenwereld en bundelt daarvoor middelen. Een centraal budget verleent op laagdrempelige wijze ondersteuning aan welomschreven initiatieven.