Campus Comenius, Tiensevest 60, 3000 Leuven
The Speaking Body
Welcome to the temple of Thalia, to its red carpet where Terpsichore and Thespis meet in a curious handshake. What if it’s not what you think it is? Waltzing otters encounter the tango dancing wolf and lion. An advert jingle goes awry and anxiety spreads like the plague. The sculptor transforms into sculpture, age becomes ageless and meditation melts brains into honey. Dive into the Dionysian joy of dancing and invite your whole body to the party. To dance, to sing, to recite or to think. But dance first, think later. That’s the natural order.
Over the course of this seven-week module, we have explored various performance practices with a focus on freeing the body-mind and the imagination to movement. We have discovered new ways of moving and inhabiting our bodies to release inhibition, to open a wider range of possibilities for human behavior and to deepen our experience of living. We have questioned social norms and conventions to re-define what it means to communicate by asking: What if my dancing is my speaking? The work has consisted of movement classes guided by Anne Pajunen and by guest teacher Peter Savel as well as the students’ independent work on duets. We have worked in the spirit of research and laboratory throughout the module and would like to share with you the results of this work-in-progress.
Titles and credits of the duets
WAt aLS by Aiko Annaert and Stijn Van den Bloock
Duet by Roisin Callaerts and Nand Van Looveren
HA! by Kaat Janssen and Stijn Van den Bloock
These are my friends by Aiko Annaert and Nand Van Looveren
Do you want it? by Emma Claessens and Jenske Eeckhout
Een dam voor een golf by Roisin Callaerts and Lena Leue
An ziet et nie by Emma Claessens and Lotte Valckenaers
Vert-rouwen – Trust by Kaat Janssen and Lotte Valckenaers
Als kind deed ik ballet – I did ballet as a child by Lena Leue and Jenske Eeckhout
Thank you!
Peter Savel, Kobe Debie, Thomas Lauwers, Amber Tanghe
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