In case your original diploma got lost, we will decide if LUCA is responsible for the followed education based on the below data.
In case LUCA does not have the responsibility, we will forward your request to the institution which is at this moment taking care of the archive for the education that you followed.
In case LUCA has the archive of which your diploma is part of, we will ask you a payment of 35 euro (on the account number BE31 4252 0317 2155) and send you a replacement certificate by recommended post (foreseen of a safety seal). 

If only a digital version is sufficient, the rate provided is 10 euros. In that case, you will receive a digitally signed and secure certificate by email. Please note that this copy is only legally valid if you also offer it digitally.

We direct you to in order to avoid unnecessary costs. If you graduated after January 2000 it is possible to prove your qualifications digitally using this LED database (officially recognized as an authentic source). 

Attention: this e-mail address will be used for sending a confirmation mail with possibly additional instructions.
What was your college's name at that time? 
Courses Architecture
Which course did you follow?
Courses Visual Arts Ghent
Which course did you follow in Ghent?
Courses De Nayer
Which course did you follow at De Nayer?
Courses Honim
Which course did you follow?
Courses Kardinaal Mercier
Which course did you follow?
Courses Lemmens
Which course did you follow at Lemmens?
Courses Narafi
Which course did you follow at Narafi?
Courses Sint-Lukas Brussels
Which course did you follow at Sint-Lukas?
Courses Vlekho
Which course did you follow at Vlekho?
Courses LUCA Brussels
Which course did you follow at LUCA campus Brussels?
Courses LUCA Genk
Which course did you follow at LUCA campus Genk (C-Mine)?
Courses LUCA Ghent
Which course did you follow at LUCA campus Ghent (Sint-Lucas)?
Courses LUCA Leuven
Which course did you follow at LUCA campus Leuven (Lemmens Institute)?
Courses LUCA Vorst
Which course did you follow at LUCA campus Vorst (Narafi)?
Specialization First Price
For which specialization did you receive First Prize?
Specialization Higher Diploma
Which Higher Diploma specialization did you follow?
Specialization Laureate
For which specialization did you became Laureate? 
Specialization Music
Which specialization did you follow?
What was the academic year in which your diploma was granted?
Please mention here special characteristics: English version, candidate degree, postgraduate, ...

LUCA does not have the archive for this course anymore. We will forward your request to our colleagues. 

As soon as the amount of 35 euro is received on the account number BE31 4252 0317 2155 (mentioning "your name" and "replacement attest"), our administration will do the necessary research in order to send you the requested attest(s) by recommended post to the provided address.

As soon as the amount of 10 euro is received on the account number BE31 4252 0317 2155 (mentioning "your name" and "digital certificate"), our administration will do the necessary research in order to send you the requested certificate(s) by mail.

The LUCA Education Administration will examine how you can be assisted as soon as possible. 

Your request will be handled faster in case you upload a proof of payment. If not, we will have to wait for a confirmation of our accounting department.
One file only.
5 MB limit.
Allowed types: gif, jpg, png, pdf, doc, docx, zip.