Ombuds office

The ombudsperson mediates between the student involved, the teacher and the police authorities in relation to educational provision. In connection with exams, an ombud acts as an intermediary between examiners and students. The ombuds fulfil their mediation role in full independence.

An ombudsperson:

  • is bound by a duty of discretion, but has no duty of professional confidentiality;
  • acts as a mediator in the event of conflicts between student(s), lecturer(s) and policy authority(s).

During the examination period you contact the ombudsperson for the following matters:

  • absence due to serious reasons (illness, death of close family, etc.) via the notification web form reporting absence;
  • if situations occur that negatively influence the normal course of the exam;
  • if you think your rights have been violated during the exam or its evaluation.

Tasks of the ombudsperson during the exam period:

  • monitors the rights and duties of you and the examiner;
  • acts as a mediator in the event of problems;
  • participates in the deliberation of the examination board, albeit without voting rights.


    Campus Study Programme Contact
    Campus C - Mine All of the degree programmes Lut Beerten
    Campus Lemmens All of the degree programmes Maaike De Zitter
    Campus Narafi All of the degree programmes

    Christian Vancraenenbroeck (ad interim)

    Campus Sint - Lucas Ghent

    Visual arts 

    Educational Master in the audio-visual and visual arts (with the exception of Graphic Design)

    Renata Vanhorenbeeck
    Campus Sint-Lucas Ghent Visual arts, Grafic Design Ans Nys
    Campus Sint - Lucas Ghent

    Interior design

    Christian Vancraenenbroeck
    Campus Sint - Lucas Ghent Visual Design Marieke Baele
    Campus Sint - Lukas Brussels

    Audio-visual arts and Visual Arts

    Inge Gobert
    Campus Sint - Lukas Brussels EMM Doc Nomads Roel Vande Winkel
    Campus Sint - Lukas Brussels

    Construction technology

    Interior design

    Christian Vancraenenbroeck
    Campus Sint - Lukas Brussels Doc Nomads Roel Vande Winkel
    Campus Sint - Lukas Brussels Film Memory Pascal Vandelanoitte
    All Campuses LUCA Continue Marieke Baele
    Doctoral Ombuds