Who can apply?
As a rule, the student takes at least 27 credits.
Type of special needs status |
Explanation |
Student with disability |
High-level artistic practitioner |
You also qualify for the status of 'student - entrepreneur' or 'working student' and you experience difficulties in combining high-level artistic practice with educational activities. |
Student – caregiver |
You offer extra support to someone in need of care from the immediate environment (family member first degree, cohabiting partner,…) |
Student – entrepreneur |
You work as a self-employed person, you have an enterprise number, you are affiliated with a social insurance fund and you have a minimum annual turnover of €6648.12. Please note: this status differs from the tax status student – self-employed person, but is linked to it. |
Student – top athlete |
You experience difficulties in your studies due to the combination with top sport. |
Working student |
You work at least 80 hours per month or you are employed part-time in accordance with the relevant collective labor agreement. Please note: PhD students or students who follow education in a work track cannot submit an application, as their form of education has already been adjusted. |
How do you apply?
- Step 1: To have your status as a top sports student, working student, student with a disability or student-entrepreneur officially recognized, you must create your own application file in KULoket . This registration must be done before 16th of October '24.
- Step 2: Once you have uploaded the correct documents in your file (see Certificate of Disability / Certificate of Other Statutes), the study needs assessor can process your application file and status. As soon as your status has been approved, you will automatically receive a notification in your mailbox. You can upload your documents in KU Loket until 30th of October '24.
- Step 3: You make an appointment with the study needs assessor on your campus to see which accommodations apply to you.
Not officially registered yet? You can already request a status with your temporary account via this link. You use this account to submit your online registration.
If you did not meet the deadline of the first semester, you will get a second chance in the second semester. If you have registered on KULoket before Wednesday 26th of February '25 and uploaded your documents at the latest on Wednesday 12th of March '25, you can still obtain a special status with accompanying accommodations. These only apply from the second semester, without retroactive effect.
Certificate of disability status
Those who want to be recognized as a student with a statute must be able to submit a certificate (motivated report, report from the CLB, VAPH recognition, etc.). If you do not have such a certificate, ask your treating physician, psychologist, etc. to complete a VLOR certificate bundle . Below you will find an overview:
Disability | Valid certificate/documentation |
Certificate of other statutes
Status | Valid certificate/documentation |
Working student |
Student-entrepreneur |
High-level artistic practitioner |
Student – caregiver |
Student – top athlete |
You received a status and accommodations. Now what?
You have an approved special status and you discussed your accommodations with the special needs assessor.
By now you have received a mail, sent via KU Loket, with a certificate that contains your approved accommodations.
But... now what? What do you do with these accommodations? How do you use accommodations during classes and when do you request them for your exams? Where can you find them? Which info is shared with teachers or is not shared? What support can you expect from the special needs assessor? Through which channels do we communicate and/or can you reach us....
Below we list frequently asked questions using clear information sheets. You can download a complete overview of all the sheets as an information bundle:
If you have a question but cannot find it below, please contact your program's special needs assessor.
Information sheets
An inclusive experience abroad
Going abroad?
Do you have doubts about participating in a mobility abroad because you:
have a disability such as dyslexia, autism or AD(H)D?
are psychologically vulnerable or in therapy?
combine school with at least a half-time job?
Together with the special needs assessor and the international coordinator, you can examine your situation confidentially. See more info on the internationalisation website: "An inclusive experience abroad for all". Apply for a special status at LUCA through your special needs assessor to be entitled to support. Your status and adjustments may also be valid at the institution you go to. |
Incoming international students:
Are you registered as a student with a disability by your own institution? Then you may be entitled to accommodations at LUCA. Ask your own institution to provide us with your registered adjustments and certificates. This can be done directly to your campus' special needs assessor or via the international coordinator. Do you have the attestations yourself? Contact the special needs assessor to review your situation together. Be mindful of the deadlines to register for a special status at LUCA!
Special individual circumstances
You don't qualify for a status, but you need help. Are there issues that affect your ability to study or attend?
We can see if you can get temporary status, if you are still on a waiting list to be tested or counselled for a disability.
If there is force majeure, e.g. due to a death, illness of a loved one, pregnancy, ... contact your special needs assessor. The special needs assessor will check whether you qualify for accommodations and will help you make arrangements with your study program.
Please complete the following form and submit it to the special needs assessor on your campus.
Contact special needs assessor
Campus Sint - Lukas Brussel |
Campus Narafi | Mail to zorgcoach.narafi@luca-arts.be or make an appointment with Tessa Rasmussen using the online agenda |
Campus C - Mine |
Mail to Vanessa Vangeel zorgcoach.cmine@luca-arts.be |
Campus Lemmens | Mail to zorgcoach.lemmens@luca-arts.be or make an appointment with Greetje Anthoni using the online agenda |
Campus Sint - Lucas Gent |
Mail to zorgcoach.sintlucas@luca-arts.be or make an appointment with Sarina Mary using the online agenda |
Study counseling
Do you have a special needs status? Then you are entitled to individual study guidance from the special needs assessor of your campus.
If you're not entitled to a special status, but you would like to have some support or study tips? Read our study tips here.