4 Regular Master’s degree programmes taught in English:

  • Visual Arts (specialisations in Fine Arts, Graphic Design: Media and Information Design, Graphic Storytelling and Photography) Brussels
  • Audiovisual Arts (specialisations in Animation Film and Film) Brussels
  • Music Leuven
  • Textile Design Ghent

    For all other Master’s degree programmes, Dutch is the official language of instruction.

Registration for the masterassessment 
Next deadline: 24 June 2025 - 11 am

4 Erasmus Mundus Joint Master’s degree programmes taught in English:

Interested in a master's degree at LUCA? Fill out the form below to apply for a study at LUCA School of Arts. The application form will guide you through every step of the way.


Admissions Requirements might differ depending on the chosen education programme: Master, Advanced Master or Educational Master. We make a distinction between Diploma Requirements, Residence Requirements, Language Requirements and Learning Account Requirement.

For all master programmes it is mandatory to pass the Master Assessment.

Diploma Requirements


A certified Academic Bachelor's diploma (same study field and specialization) is required in order to directly register for a Master's degree programme. 

Do you have a related Academic Bachelor's diploma (for example: foreign diploma or different specialization) or a Professional Bachelor's diploma? In that case it might be possible to enrol in the Master's degree programme after succeeding the bridging- or preparatory programme. It is obligatory to participate in a Master Assessment where an academic committee of the master discipline will decide if and how you can enrol in the Master's degree programme. If the Master's degree programme does not have a bridging- or preparatory programme, you can ask for the possibility to register in the Bachelor's degree programme. 

Preparatory programmes

A preparatory programme is meant for students holding a certain Academic Bachelor's or Master's diploma, willing to start another Academic Master's degree programme, but based on their obtained diploma are not directly admitted. Due to the preparatory programme, these students are able to start the Master's degree programme with the same preliminary knowledge as the directly admitted academic bachelors.

A standard learning path does not exist for related academic diploma's. An individual learning path is always designed. 

A preparatory programme leads to a certificate that allows the student to register for the master’s programme, not to an academic degree or diploma.

Bridging programmes

A bridging programme is meant for students holding a Professional Bachelor's diploma, willing to start an Academic Master's degree programme. Due to the bridging programme, these students are able to start the Master's degree programme with the same preliminary knowledge as the academic bachelors. The bridging programme expands the student's previous education with academic knowledge and skills. 

A bridging programme consists of 45 to 90 credits, which might be reduced in function of the student's specific preliminary education.

For certain Master programmes a standard study path is designed for the bridging programme (see overview below). Applications from other (related) Professional Bachelor's diploma's is possible, however each application has to be handled individually. 

A bridging programme leads to a certificate that allows the student to register for the master’s programme, not to an academic degree or diploma.


In order to register for an Advanced Master programme it is required to hold an Academic Master's diploma giving direct access.


-you have a bachelor's degree and want to register for a educational master (2-year programmes)

Students in one of the following situations participate in a master assessment:

- you have an academic bachelor's degree in the arts from a higher education institution other than LUCA School of Arts

- you want to change your specialization

Do you already have a master's degree in the arts? In that case, you can complete the educational master via a shorter programme. Anyone with an academic master's degree in the arts from LUCA School of Arts or another Flemish higher education institution can register directly for a shortened Educational Master from the same field of study (provided they maintain the specialization).

Holders of a non-Flemish academic master in the arts can be admitted to a shortened Educational Master after a diploma and language check at the Admissions department.


Before a public document (like a diploma) can be used in a country other than the one where it was issued, the origin of the document must be authenticated.
The legalisation is done in the country where the document was issued. There are different procedures to authenticate a document. The procedure to follow depends on the country where the document was issued. Please always check the website of the Belgian Ministry of Foreign Affairs:

There are several ways to authenticate your documents, but core element is always that the certification or legalisation is being done in the country where the diploma or documents were issued.

  1. You can have documents certified by the educational institution that issued the original documents. You can ask your university to issue a new set of original transcripts and either send these to us yourself (preferably in a closed university envelope) or have the university send them to our Admissions Office
  2. You can ask the university who originally issued the documents to make a certified copy of your diploma/transcript/diploma supplement. A ‘certified’ copy is a copy made by an individual or institution authorised to do so, in this case, the academic institution or university that granted your transcripts/diploma/supplements. They stamp the copy, thereby attesting that it is a true copy of the original document;
  3. If the country where the diploma was issued has signed "The Convention Abolishing the Requirement of Legalisation for Foreign Public Documents" (1961), in that case the copy of your diploma or transcripts has to bear the "Apostille". For more information on this convention, to see whether the country where your diploma was issued has signed the convention and to find out who can put an apostille on the copy of your diploma, go to the official website:
  4. Legalisation by the Belgian Embassy:

Admission office  LUCA School of Arts
LUCA School of Arts
Paleizenstraat 70
B-1030 Brussel

Residence Requirements

Students with a foreign nationality and who successfully passed our admission procedure may need the following documents when coming to Belgium: a visa/entry document, a work permit and a residence permit.  Which specific documents you need, and how to apply for them, depends on your situation. Non-EEA nationals will need to follow different procedures depending on the length of stay when they arrive in Belgium. EEA nationals and Swiss nationals do not need a visa (or work permit) to enter Belgium.

Upon arrival in Belgium, you will have to complete your enrolment as student.  For an enrolment at LUCA School of Arts it is obligatory that non-EEA students hold a valid visa/entry document or a (Belgian) residence permit. Are you a EEA citizen? In that case your identity card or passport is sufficient.

It will also be mandatory for EEA and non-EEA students to register at the town or city hall of their place of residence in Belgium, as soon as possible. The registration procedure is different for EEA nationals and Swiss nationals and non-EEA nationals, as non-EEA nationals will have to get a residence permit as legal residence document in Belgium.

More information about visa and residence:
For more questions:

Language Requirements

LUCA School of Arts offers Master programmes in English and Dutch. 

1. English taught masters

Only the programmes as listed on English programmes are full-time English taught degree programs. These programmes are mainly offered at the LUCA campuses in Brussels or Leuven. For our English Master programmes a B2 English language certificate is required. Please find our list of accepted certificates further down below.

2. Dutch taught masters for international students

The official language of the other LUCA master’s programmes is Dutch. Although proficiency in Dutch is recommended international students with a good command of the English language are also welcome to attend the Master in Visual Arts (Ghent). This master programme consists of a considerable amount of elective courses taught in English. Moreover practical course components are taught in small groups making it easier to accommodate international students.

However, for the following degree programmes a minimum B2 level of Dutch proficiency is required:

  • Master  in Drama (Leuven)
  • Master in Product Design (Genk)
  • Master of Visual Arts (Genk)
  • Master of Audiovisual Arts (Genk)
  • Educational Master in Visual and Audiovisual Arts (Brussels, Ghent, Genk)
  • Educational Master in Music and Performing Arts (Leuven)

More information in the course guide:

More information on Dutch Language Preparation can be found here.

Language Certificates

List of possible language certificates (depending on the language):

We accept the following certificates with regards to language proficiency in Dutch or English:

1. English language proficiency: The required level of English to study at LUCA School of Arts is level B2. This can be proved by one of the following:

  • a diploma of higher education obtained at an institute of higher education in one of the inner circle countries (United Kingdom, USA, New Zealand, Australia, English-speaking Canada , Ireland, Caribbean Islands, South Africa)
  • an English-language diploma at an institute of higher education in one of the outer circle countries and proof that the BA study of at least 180 ECTS (or equivalent) was conducted in English. *Only for outer circle countries where English is one of the official languages
  • TOEFL iBT Paper Edition and Home Edition: minimum score 79 *Please send us your Score Report directly through TOEFL to institution D400
  • IELTS Academic: 6.5 (no subscore below 5.5)
  • Duolingo test: minimum score 110 *Please send us your results directly through Duolingo
  • International Baccalaureate (IB)
  • TOEIC Listening 490 + Reading 455 + Speaking 200 + Writing 200
  • ITACE test level B2 (only for applicants who are already residing in Belgium)
  • Students who have obtained a diploma of Secondary or Higher Education in Flanders or the Netherlands, can upload a copy of their diploma when the application form asks for a language certificate. A language certificate is not mandatory, but can be submitted optionally.
  • Cambridge English Exams:
    • Certificate in Advanced English (CAE) grade A, B or C
    • Certificate of Proficiency in English (CPE)  minimum score 176
    • B2 First: minimum score 179

2. Dutch language proficiency: The required level of Dutch to study at LUCA School of Arts is level B2. The following ways to prove your Dutch language proficiency are accepted by LUCA:

  • A proof that the applicant has successfully finished one year of full-time secondary education or higher education (or the equivalent of 54 credits) in Dutch.
  • A certificate which demonstrates that the applicant has at least a B2 proficiency level in Dutch corresponding to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). We accept the following certificates:
    • ITNA language test: The 'Interuniversitaire Taaltest Nederlands voor Anderstaligen' is developed and administered by all members of the Interuniversity Testing Consortium (IUTC): Ghent University, KU Leuven, University of Antwerp and Vrije Universiteit Brussel. An overview of test dates are published here: 
    • A certificate of the Staatsexamen NT2 programme II
    • A certificate issued by an Adult Learning Centre (in Dutch: CVO or 'Centrum voor Volwassenenonderwijs'), minimum level 3 (richtgraad 3)
    • A certificate CNaVT (Certificaat Nederlands als Vreemde Taal), either type 'Educatief Startbekwaam' (level B2, formerly PTHO) or type 'Educatief Professioneel' (level C1, formerly PAT)

Validity of language certificates: the validity of the certificate proving your language proficiency cannot be older than 5 years following the date of issue. If the validity period is expired applicants are strongly encouraged to provide an updated certificate or additional proof that you maintained the level of your language skills since then.

Learning Account Requirement

In 2009, the ‘learning account’ came into effect in Flemish higher education. The idea is to encourage you to make an informed choice of study. It should also stimulate institutions to monitor their students’ study progress. The learning account system is relevant to degree-seeking students only.

How does it work?

The learning account is a virtual backpack with credits. As of academic year 2008-2009, everyone (including students already following higher education) receives 140 credits upon their enrolment in Flemish higher education. Each time you enrol in a course component, credits are taken from your backpack. If you pass this particular course component, these credits are accumulated again. If you do not pass or are allowed to pass a course component after deliberation, these credits are deducted from your learning account for good.

The learning account is for anyone who has a diploma contract for initial training (bachelor and master) and for any enrolments with a credit contract.

If you are a higher education student for the first time this academic year, you can benefit from a special regulation should you wish to re-orient. Re-orientation means that you change to another course during the academic year. If you do so before 1 December, you'll regain all the credits used. If you do so between 1 December and 15 March, you'll regain half of them. After 15 March, you'll receive none of the credits back.

Bonus of 60 credits

The path from secondary to higher education is not always strewn with roses. That is why we have incorporated a measure to remedy this. The first 60 credits you gain are doubled.

Already a student?

Have you already studied in higher education? Just like new students, you will be given a ‘starter backpack’ with 140 credits. The first 60 credits you achieve will be doubled for you as well. We do not take your past studies into account. However, each institution independently defines the date until when changes in enrolments have consequences for the learning account.

Finished your bachelor's degree?

After you have obtained your bachelor degree, you will retain your learning account. If you obtain a master degree, the starting capital of 140 credits is deducted. If your study path has proceeded without any problems you will be left with 60 credits. If you end up with a learning account below 60, your learning account will be accumulated again to 60 at a rate of 10 credits per academic year.

No more credits left in your account?

If you don't have any credits left in your learning account, the institution may refuse to enrol you or ask you to pay a double enrolment fee. In certain cases you can accumulate your learning account again.

Status of your learning account

You can consult the status of your learning account, using your electronic ID card or a federal token on the student portal.

If as a first-time student you wish to change courses (re-orient), it is very important for you to closely monitor withdrawal from the first course and enrolment in the new course. As mentioned earlier, strict dates determine whether or not you will regain your learning account. Students who wish to make changes to their course programme during the academic year or who wish to withdraw are also advised to closely monitor this. The institution itself defines the date until when changes will affect the learning account.

Via the student portal you can monitor all these changes yourself. If you notice that a change or withdrawal is not indicated (correctly) on this website, you are advised to contact your college or university as soon as possible to rectify this.


The application and enrolment procedure at LUCA School of Arts consists of two or three steps depending on the chosen education programme. For all master programmes it is required to first apply at the Admissions department for a diploma and language check (step 1), followed by your registration for a Master Assessment (step 2). More information on the Admissions Requirements can be found here.

Interested in a master's degree at LUCA? Fill out the form below to apply for a study at LUCA School of Arts. The application form will guide you through every step of the way.

Did you pass the Master Assessment?
In that case you will find the link to the final and binding registration (step 3) in the e-mail including your result and Certificate of Admittance. In case that you cannot find this e-mail, please contact the Admissions Officers of your campus

Did you succeed for a Master Assessment before?
Did you succeed for a Master Assessment before and do you want to enrol at LUCA now? Please contact to request the online registration link. 

Refusal due to academic progress provisions, late enrolment or participation in a late Master Assessment?

In that case an admission for exceptional registration has to be requested to the Vice Dean of Education. Therefore you must use the following form: Admission Exceptional Registration

The Vice Dean will assess your motivation after it has been checked by the education administration. The approval or disapproval of your request will be sent by e-mail. 

Any other questions?

When in doubt about your registration, please contact
(Please mention the campus in which you're interested in the title).

Admissions Application & Deadlines

The LUCA Admissions department will screen your Admissions application in order to decide whether or not you meet the diploma and language requirements to start the chosen master programme. All applicants must submit an online Admissions application using the online registration tool (see above). The following documents are mandatory to be submitted as attachments to your application:

  • Certified bachelor or equivalent diploma / degree certificates and translation of the diploma in case the diploma is not yet translated into English, French, German or Dutch
  • Certified transcript of records / diploma supplement and translation in case the transcripts is not yet translated into English, French, German or Dutch
  • proof of English or Dutch language proficiency (candidates who cannot take a language exam like TOEFL, IELTS due to waiting lists are allowed to present beyond the application deadline);
  • copy of your ID or passport
  • APS certificate (Only for mainland Chinese citizens. Not required at application stage.). More information below:

APS- requirement: All mainland Chinese citizens who are not in the possession of a foreign degree, or have not completed any courses at a university in another country than China, need to go through the APS procedure to obtain the APS certificate in order to apply for a student visa for Belgium. These students cannot get a Belgian student visa without this certificate. Certain categories of students don’t need to go through the APS procedure. We do not require the APS certificate at the time of application. Students should wait for a positive outcome on their application at LUCA School of Arts and only then start the APS procedure. Contact for further information.


  • Non-EEA-students, especially those who are not holding a valid residence permit for Belgium/Schengen countries and those interested in the Master Mind Scholarship: 1st Master Assessment date (March/April depending on the campus)
  • EEA-students, Belgian students with international diplomas, students with a diploma from the French Community and only non-EEA-students with a valid residence permit for Belgium/Schengen countries: 1 September(*) 

(*): note to applicants for Music and Drama: applicants who wish the use the last intake deadline of September to apply for Music or Drama are strongly recommended to complete their application before mid-August as the Artistic Aptitude Tests (bachelor level entry) or Master Assessments (master level entry) for these programmes are exceptionally organized in the course of August.

Master Assessment

International students holding an academic bachelor’s degree diploma can apply for a Master’s degree programme at LUCA. The enrollment itself however, can only be done after formal approval which follows a Master Assessment of suitability and capability to join the programme one applied for. Also, one cannot register for a different master programme than one initially applied for. The Master Assessment will be conducted by an academic committee of the master discipline concerned, who will also check the credential and academic values of the application (step 1) and an artistic portfolio, including intake interview (step 2). Applicants who pass the credential and academic check (step 1) are then invited for the intake and portfolio interviews.

All applicants must submit an Master Assessment application (on campus or online - an unique link will be sent to the applicant after Admissions application: see above). The following documents are mandatory to be submitted as attachments to your application:

  • CV
  • Letter of motivation
  • Portfolio
  • For campus Sint-Lukas Brussels: Master’s Project proposal (idea of a graduate project you would like to work on during your master)

The Master Assessment will determine whether one possesses the required basic (artistic) competencies for the master’s course. There is no direct admission to our master's degree programmes without portfolio review. Depending on the results of this assessment, the academic committee may require one to complete a preparatory programme first, the content and size of which will depend on the degree of affinity with the content and characteristics of the course of the attained bachelor course and the bachelor course in the chosen specialization. The commission might also re-orientate an applicant to the bachelor’s programme before allowing the applicant to start in the master’s programme.


  • Registration for the Master Assessment is obligatory and is only possible after submitting an Admissions application using this registration form (open as of December). Only after submitting your Admissions application, a unique link will be received to register for the Master Assessment.
  • The invitation for the intake and portfolio interview follows at latest 5 days before the assessment day.
  • The Master Assessment is free of charge.
  • You may only register once per academic year for a Master Assessment for the same specialization.


 overview of all Master Assessments and important information per campus. 

Final & Binding Registration

After succeeding for the Master Assessment, you will receive a Certificate of Admittance (official result) and instructions for further registration.

Did you succeed for a Master Assessment before and do you want to enrol at LUCA now? Please contact to request the online registration link. 

Online registration is the easiest way to get registered. However, if you are required to do so by the Admissions/Administration department it may be necessary to take a physical appointment and present yourself to register on campus.

In case of online registration you will receive a link to the final and binding online registration tool (OLI).

You will need to upload the following documents in the OLI tool:

  • Certificate of Admittance
  • Your Identity Card or your Passport
  • Your Belgian student visa type D (for non-EEA students who require a visa for traveling to Belgium)
  • Your original diploma/transcripts




standard 60-credit course

of which fixed part

of which variable part

of which additional study costs*


€ 1416,00

€ 288,00

€ 13,80 per credit

€ 300

With near-scholarship

€ 888,00

€ 288,00

€ 5,00 per credit

€ 300

With scholarship

€ 431,50

€ 131,50

€0 per credit

€ 300

*Additional study costs drama is €400, construction €250 and photography €350


standard 60-credit course

of which fixed part

of which variable part

of which additional study costs*


€ 1457,00

€ 299,00

€ 14,30 per credit

€ 300

With near-scholarship

€ 911,00

€ 299,00

€ 5,20 per credit

€ 300

With scholarship

€ 436,50

€ 136,50

€0 per credit

€ 300

The tuition fee consists of a fixed part (which every student pays at registration) and a variable part (per registered credit). The total amount of the tuition fee is determined by

  • the type of study contract under which you are registered
  • the number of credits for which you are registered
  • the number of registrations
  • your personal statute (scholarship student, non-scholarship student, …)
  • your nationality
  • the credits on your learning account. 

Degree students from EEA countries pay the same tuition fee as Flemish students. In some cases, students from non-EEA countries pay an amount that is considerably higher than the fee for Flemish students (this is the case for music students). If you are coming to LUCA as an exchange student, you do not pay any tuition fees. You will, however, have to pay for your own art materials, photocopies, etc.


Schoolyear 2024-2025:

You are an EEA student or non-EEA student and you follow a Master in Visual Arts (60 ECTS). You pay €1.116 tuition fee .

Schoolyear 2025-2026:

You are an EEA student or non-EEA student and you follow a Master in Visual Arts (60 ECTS). You pay €1.157 tuition fee .


Besides the tuition fee, each academic year you will also have to pay an additional (material) cost.

This additional cost differs between studio's and fluctuates between €200 and €400 per academic year. More information about the fees and costs can be found in the downloads below.

What is it?

These are predetermined study-related costs and facilities for students that are settled under the form of a flat-rate surcharge. This surcharge varies by programme or major.


LUCA uses these extra study costs to provide the facilities needed to practise the arts, e.g. loan of photographic and film material, printing service, workshops, etc. 

Please note: in addition to these extra study costs and tuition fees, you will also have to pay for individual study and work materials such as a laptop, drawing materials, etc. 


total amount: A student at LUCA thus pays both tuition fees + extra study costs:

A Non-scholarship student (= no right to study allowance from the Flemish government) Fine Arts - majoring in Free Arts campus Brussels pays 

In 2024-2025:

€1116 tuition fees + €300 additional study costs : total €1416.

In very exceptional cases, eg. if you only follow course units that do not make use of facilities linked to the extra study costs, you can ask not to pay this costs via:

CLICK HERE for all information regarding tuition fees and Master mind scholarship.