All of LUCA’s Bachelor degree programmes are taught in Dutch and require a very good command of the Dutch language, both spoken and written. Only our international programmes are taught in English and thus open for non-Dutch speaking students.
Learning Dutch in Belgium
It’s important to acknowledge that LUCA School of Arts has no Dutch language course in its programme portfolio. Students will always have to look for externally organized Dutch language courses.
Students who are already living in Belgium prior to their application may want to learn or practice the Dutch language upfront. This can be done in several ways by taking language courses offered by Centres for Adult Education (called ‘CVO’), language support centres like the ‘Huis van het Nederlands’ (Dutch Language House) ( ) or one of Flemish University Language Centres ( which are located in Brussels, Antwerp, Ghent or Leuven.
Preparatory language programmes
Students who are willing to apply or are applying at one of Flanders’ higher education institutions, but who haven’t reached the required Dutch proficiency yet, may apply for one of the preparatory language programmes organised for non-Dutch speaking students who would like to prepare themselves for their Flemish education. Such a ‘Preparatory Dutch Language Year’ is mainly provided by one of the Flemish University Centres like ILT KU Leuven, Linguapolis Antwerp and UCT Ghent. In order to register for a ‘Preparatory Dutch Language Year’, you will need a letter of admission to a Flemish university of Applied Sciences or a School of Arts.
How to obtain LUCA’s conditional admission document for an external language year?
To obtain LUCA's conditional admission document you will need to apply for the program of your choice for the upcoming academic year: Applying as a BACHELOR DEGREE STUDENT | LUCA). Applying as a MASTER DEGREE STUDENT | LUCA
Depending on the program you will have to:
- answer some motivational questions (online) about your motivation to study Dutch in the first place and secondly why you choose LUCA/this programme and your future career path. You have to substantially motivate your answers. The Head of Programme will evaluate this motivation. If you pass you will receive a conditional admission letter for the academic year that follows after the preparatory year. (for Interior Design, Construction and Audiovisual techniques: Photography (Vorst) only)
- take part in the first round* of the Artistic Aptitude Test/Master assessment. If you pass the assessment you will receive a conditional admission letter for the academic year that follows after the preparatory year. (for all Dutch programmes except Interior Design, Construction and Audiovisual techniques: Photography (Vorst)) *It is important that you register and participate in our first assessment round. Our later intakes are too late to be able to meet the deadlines of the language centres
How to apply for the ‘Preparatory Dutch Language Year’?
With LUCA’s conditional admission letter, you can register at the ILT language centre at the University of Leuven (LUCA is member of the university association of KU Leuven) or any other university language centre.
How to enroll at LUCA after the ‘Preparatory Dutch Language Year’?
Upon completion of your language preparatory year and obtaining the B2 level in Dutch you should contact LUCA Inschrijvingen ( to enquire about the enrolment procedure and further steps to take. Make sure to add to your communication:
- the certificate/attestation after passing the language preparatory year +
- your conditional enrolment letter of LUCA.
Learning Dutch as exchange student
LUCA has no internal offer of Dutch language courses. Exchange students can check if possibilities via external languages centres for degree students described in the chapter above, are also available to exchange students.
In Ghent exchange students have the opportunity to join language courses offered by the association IN-Gent which supports inclusion and integration actions in the city of Ghent.