Masterassessment FINE ARTS BRUSSELS

Master in Visual Arts

campus Sint-Lukas Brussels academic year 2025-2026

Extra info about the assessment

Please read the information below and prepare before going to the online registration tool. You must send in your online application before Wednesday 12 March 2025 (11:00 AM), Tuesday 24 June 2025 (11:00 AM) or Tuesday 26 August 2025 (11:00 AM) (depending on the chosen period). Afterwards you might receive an invitation for an additional Interview (see dates at bottom).

ATTENTION: the deadline for uploading your online assessment is 11 AM, but last minute and unprepared registration and submission will not work. So make sure to properly read below what is expected and be well prepared before starting the procedure.


  1. MOTIVATION: write in a motivation letter why you have chosen this program.
  2. CURRICULUM VITAE (CV): upload your CV.
  3. MASTERPROEF–MASTER PROJECT: prepare a proposal for a master’s thesis. Demonstrate your ability to reflect on your own work/practice and the role of the artist in the art field. Demonstrate your ability to present a potential concept that may be developed further during the master’s program. The template for this assignment can be found on the LUCA website. The document ‘Masterproef - Master Project’ should include approximately 3 elaborate images that give the assessment committee a good impression, both visually and in terms of content, of the candidate’s concept.
  4. PORTFOLIO (your work): create a portfolio of your recent artistic work. It should serve as proof that you possess the required skills. The most recent work in the portfolio should not be older than one year. The oldest work should not be older than five years. More info can be found In the document 'Master portfolio requirements'. Upload the URL to your portfolio.


The jury will evaluate your dossier. If the jury has any questions, you will be invited for an INTERVIEW.

You will be informed by email a few days in advance whether or not you are invited for an interview based on the artistic dossier (motivation, portfolio, proposal Masterproef - Master Project and CV).

The interview takes place on campus unless the candidate is unable to come to Brussels in person, in that case the interview will take place online (via Teams).

The invitation email contains the exact time (and the link) for the appointment. (You don't have to install Teams on your computer or phone. Via the link you will be able to join the call as a guest without having to install a program on your computer.)

The interview consists of an individual conversation (max. 15 min.) with (studio) teachers of the program. In this interview the creative competence and potential will be evaluated on the basis of the portfolio and the document 'Masterproef - Master Project'. It is therefore an opportunity to express and defend your motivation and orientation.


Within a week after completing the assessment, the candidate will be informed by email whether he/she is allowed to start in the master's program, allowed to progress through a transition or preparatory program, or not admitted to the master's program. In the first two cases, the candidate will also receive the guidelines for final enrolment.

Good luck!


Deadline online submission assessment*

Interview** Announcement of results
WE 12 MARCH 2025 (11:00 AM) FR 21 MARCH 2025 within a week after completing the procedure
TU 24 JUNE 2025 (11:00 AM) FR 4 JULY 2025 within a week after completing the procedure
TU 26 AUGUST 2025 (11:00 AM) FR 5 SEPTEMBER 2025 within a week after completing the procedure

* At registration you have selected one of these dates.
** The interviews take place on campus or online.


ONDERWIJSADMINISTRATIE - LUCA School of Arts Campus Sint‐Lukas Brussel

Paleizenstraat 70, B‐1030 Brussel

T+32 2 250 11 00
