Student jobs

Find a student job at LUCA. 

Learn more about the rules of working as a student in Belgium. 

LUCA School of Arts Career Center

Check our Student Career platform to find a job. 

Student jobs at the campus

Work and study

As a student, you can work a few hours a week to top up your budget, but financing your education through a student job is not advisable as it could harm your study progress. For more information, click here.

Non-EU/EEA nationals in Belgium have to be a full-time students in order to get a student visa. If you have a legal residence in Belgium, having an electronic residence permit or an appendix 15 (if you received this document while awaiting for your residence permit) is sufficient. Since January 1st, 2019, residence permits given to non-EEA citizens studying in Belgium mention extra information about working possibilities. With this residence permit, you can work for any employer in Belgium, considering the following specifications:

  • You can work during the period of validity of your residence permit.
  • During the academic year, you can work for a maximum of 20 hours per weekDuring official holiday periods (i.e. winter, spring or summer holidays), you can work more than 20 hours per week.
  • You can’t work when you are supposed to be attending classes or other activities related to your study programme.
  • You are not allowed to work during the summer before the start of your first academic year in Belgium.

Contact your Stuvo

In need of more information about student jobs in Belgium? Contact your Stuvo (student services) at your campus.