International festival for contemporary playwriting
Black holes are highly fascinating phenomena in the universe. But what does science actually know about them? What do we know about their anatomy or their size? What is the so-called “event horizon” ...
All is matter. From the tiniest element to the largest astrophysical object, matter is at the heart of it all. But how do we unify both? Elementary particles and Black holes are seemingly incompatible ...
De oerknal als thema van het Leuvense KNAL! Stadsfestival deint uit tot bovenaan de Lemmensberg: de studenten van LUCA School of Arts nemen u mee op een interstellaire reis van Star Wars tot The ...
This explorative bootcamp for arts education thinkers and dreamers, encompasses online and in-person participation.
Each year LUCA makes a selection amongst their graduating students and shows their work in a group exhibition. This year 'Memories for the Future' brings together visual work from a couple of ...
Would you like to know more about our Interior Design, Visual Design and Visual Arts courses? Are you curious to hear what it is like to study in the heart of Ghent? Would you like to see the ...
Passionate about Music? Considering a programme in Classical performance or in Jazz? Have you heard about our programmes and would you like to know more? Do you have questions about studying Music at ...