
Campus Sint-Lukas Brussel

WNTT#1: Let us begin

Lectures & artist talks

Since September 1991, the Brussels author, opinion maker and activist Melat Gebeyaw Nigussie is the general and artistic director of the renown arts centre Beursschouwburg. She used to be part of the collectives Black Speaks Back and Belgian Renaissance, and still has a voice in Black Lives Matter movement. Inclusion and participation are high on her agenda. Upon the invitaton of WNNT, she will hold a conversation on how institutions (such as the art centre and school) can contribute to community building and produce a sense of engagement and togetherness for all attendees: students, teachers, personnel, artists, guests, visitors, and passer-by.​  

Free entrance / English spoken

About We need to talk

WE NEED TO TALK assembles students and teachers around an on-campus series of public conversations addressing decolonisation, anti-racism, sexism, abuse of power and the state of ecological emergengy. WNTT aims at raising questions rather than proclaiming answers. Let's us all draw attention to things that matter, also in a school environment. Let's install a shared vocabulary and develop a toolbox of idea in view of real change.


Campus Sint-Lukas Brussel
Paleizenstraat 70
1030 Brussel