Individual study program - ISP
Your individual study program (ISP) contains all course units (OPOs) that you will take within one academic year. This is with a view to obtaining a diploma or certificate or to obtain one or more credit certificates.
You register your ISP via the ISP application in KU Loket. You can also have an exchange program approved there. Exemptions that you have acquired will also end up in your ISP. However, you can request exemptions via the separate KU Loket application 'Exemption requests'.
Every LUCA course has a learning path counselor who is also your ISP manager. They can consult your study program and any exemption applications, make adjustments where necessary and ultimately approve them. You can also contact the trajectory guidance with questions and clarification regarding your ISP.
Reduced ISP for Milestone Students based on Special Individual Circumstances (BIO)
Are you, as a milestone student, confronted with drastic circumstances such as non-study-related force majeure situations (pregnancy, death of a family member, etc.) or are there study-related special circumstances? Then you can use this form to apply for admission to follow a reduced study programme based on Special Individual Circumstances (BIO). In it, you explain what your special individual circumstances are. Information and advice will then be obtained from the educational administration, the programme counsellor and the care coach of your study programme. After that, the programme director of your programme will decide whether or not to give the final permission to take fewer credits than the milestone package.