Specialization in the international Master Visual Arts
60 ECTS / 1 year / English, Dutch
Campus Brussel / Sint-Lukas

Photography in Brussels

Academic Master / International Master

In the MA year Photography, you'll take one step further in the development of your artistic identity. Throughout the year you'll work on a MA project, guided by two mentors who will help you to broaden and enrich your horizons. You'll not only realise an artistic project but also write a thesis in which you reflect on your artistic practice.

Master programme

The master graduate project

For your master graduate project, you choose your own artistic project. You realize this work and present it to a jury of internal and external experts during a public presentation. You contextualize your work with a thesis with which you situate your work within or against existing literature and debates. This proves that you can orient yourself within the field of the chosen artistic discipline.

For your master's thesis, you can make use of technical support and productional assistance and you rely on the advice of the tutors. Nevertheless, with your master's thesis, you prove that you work to a large extent independently.

    In preparation for the master exhibition – which you organise together with fellow students off-campus – you will show your work to a wider public in an intermediate exhibition at the Recyclart art centre in Brussels.

    During this process curiosity, independent initiative and a passion for experimentation will drive your artistic inquiry. You'll discover new strategies and unique methods. By openly communicating about evolutions and doubts during your work process, you'll bring your projects to a successful conclusion.

    Alongside these theoretical seminars and seminars, you will also visit exhibitions and take part in workshops. Through portfolio viewings with nationally and internationally recognised artists, art critics and curators you'll discover new perspectives.

    Inez Muylle Vansteenkiste


    Seminars are an integral part of the master's program. LUCA has a particularly rich and diversified range of research seminars fed by the research groups of our campuses from Brussels, Ghent, Genk and Leuven. Each campus has its own researchers, research traditions and disciplines. 

    Together with your coordinator, you will select two seminars that match your ambitions. You can also choose from the courses given at the KU Leuven or its associated university colleges.


    #LUCA student Miguel - Master Photography

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    Application & entry requirements

    Enrollment procedure

    The application and enrollment procedure at LUCA School of Arts consists in general of three steps.

    1. First you will have to submit an online Admissions application in which you will be asked to upload certain documents required for the Admissions’ diploma and language check. We will be checking if you meet with the diploma and language requirements.
    2. The second step continues with your participation in a Master Assessment.
    3. Step three is the final and binding (online) registration (for which you will receive a unique registration link after succeeding the Master Assessment).

    More Info about the enrollment procedure

    Do you want to start a Master's degree at LUCA?
    Then you must pass the MASTER ASSESSMENT

    Where do you have class?

    Facilities & campus life

      Campus Sint-Lukas Brussels
      Paleizenstraat 70
      1030 Brussels

      +32 2 250 11 00

      An international campus and an added value to your programme

      • A modern and open campus in one of Europe's foremost artistic hubs
      • Studio's and workshops, a state of the arts lending service, high tech print rooms …
      • A creative community with four educational institutions and over a thousand artist and designers
      • An art library renowned for its collection in the country 
      • At walking distance of the Brussels North railway station
      A well equiped lending service and a studio specialised in analogue photography

      Our campus has a studio specialised in analogue photography. With its extensive infrastructure, various cameras and expertise, it offers you a range of artistic possibilities. It is unique within the landscape of contemporary art colleges.

      Brussels, an artistic hub

      Our campus is situated within the dynamic context of Brussels. This diversity creates new avenues of thought and leads to a challenging artistic process. Surrounded by students from Belgium and abroad you'll be confronted by other realities that shift your boundaries. The international character of the master is also felt during the final master exhibition when an external and partly international jury will judge your work.


        Heb je nog vragen? Contacteer ons vrijblijvend op bk.brussel@luca-arts.be

        Paleizenstraat 70   /   1030 Brussels   /   +32 2 250 11 00   /   facebook   /   Instagram

        Further studies and career
        As a master in Photography, an exciting course awaits you. The technical and intellectual skills you acquired, will enable you to further develop your artistic identity within the art field and this far beyond your studies. Our alumni prove this. Whether you just walk around the street, open a newspaper or visit exhibitions, you will find work by our (former) students everywhere.

        Start your career as a photographer

        Miles Fischler, Ines Vansteenkiste Muylle and Eva Donckers publish in magazines and newspapers.

        They launch crowdfunding campaigns to publish their own photo books. This year Melvin Podolski published Skritpark, Maria Dabrowski launched Odslonic and Bastiaan Van Aarle publishes 01:20.

        Jim Campers exhibited in museum M in Leuven and Julie Scheurwegs in Botanique in Brussels. Emre Celikan went to work with a gallery in Paris. Lisa Haesevoets makes a world trip in a converted camper and brings the most beautiful images. Besma Ben Said, Lola Pertsowsky, Maité De Bievre run a photographic workshop in City Gate, a major artistic hub for artists in Brussels. Diana Tamane became a resident at Hisk after our training and today exhibits at international biennales. She publishes her first artist's book at APE.

        Some of our alumni: Annemie Augustijns, Johanna Baschke, Eva Beazar, Besma Ben Said, Jim Campers, Emre Celikan, Alina Cristea, Anne Daems, Axel De Marteau, Tim Dirven, Eva Donckers, Miles Fischler, Nick Geboers, Geert Goiris, Antoine Grenez, Gaia Kaboukos, Catherine Lemblé, Renée Lorie, Melanie Matthieu, Bart Michiels, Els Opsomer, Isabelle Pateer, Lola Pertsowsky, Dries Segers, Julie Scheurweghs, Arne Schmitt, Diane Tamane, Bastiaan van Aarle, Dieter Van Caneghem, Stephan Vanfleteren, Sarah Van Marcke, Sine Van Menxel, Ines Vansteenkiste-Muylle, Franky Verdickt, Alexandra Verhaest, Danny Veys, Erien Withouck, Ugo Woatzi en Marie Wynants.

        The year at LUCA School of Arts, Master Photography, helped me to redefine my thinking and practice as an artist. I am especially grateful for the generosity of the professors, which has been continuous even after graduation.

        Sepideh Farvardin - Graduate Master Photography 2019

        Visit us

        Are you curious about our approach to art education? During our open days, you will get all the information you need, visit the campus, talk to our teaching staff and students ... Still not convinced? Visit our graduation show! During this, on-campus two-day art festival you can experience first hand how good our students really are.

        Come and meet us


        During your program you will be coached by a diverse and enthusiastic team of lecturers. Their strength is that they themselves are photographers, visual artists, writers or curators active in the field of contemporary art and photography. For example, Ana Torfs is participating in group exhibitions at Kunstmuseum Bonn (April 11 – May 18, 2025) and Le Forum, Hermès Foundation in Tokyo (opening July 17, 2025). Additionally, she is working on a solo exhibition at the Paintings Gallery of the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna, opening on October 2, 2025. Aglaia Konrad has a solo exhibition at Secession in Vienna (March 8 – May 18, 2025). Her most recent publications include Alina, Barbara, Halina, Helena, Zofia (CCA Singles, 2024) and Japan Works (Roma Publications, 2021). In recent years, Els Opsomer has completed residencies in Thiès and Dakar (Senegal), Elfonissos (Greece), Bucharest (Romania), Amsterdam Noord (Netherlands), Berlin (Germany), Hospice Brussels, and the Frans Masereel Center in Kasterlee, where she is working on her doctoral project titled I See, I See What You Don’t See – On the Visible Invisible in Times of ‘Global’ Terror. In April 2025, she will participate in the symposium Does Security Have a Future? Speculation and Belonging in the Age of Catastrophes, organized by Deradicalizing the City (Brussels). Recently, her work was shown in Fort Beau (Cinematek, Brussels, 2024) and Choking Flames: Els Opsomer & Ermias Kifleyesus (Kusseneers Gallery, Molenbeek, 2023). In his current artistic practice, Danny Veys uses a canoe to photograph remote and untouched landscapes in a slow and experimental manner. His publication The Flaxcanoe Floats on the Golden River (2024) is the result of his research into the stories and history of the Leie River—a project he is now continuing in the regions of the Yser, Aa, Somme, and Meuse rivers. Additionally, he is creating new work at the archaeological site of Pergamon (Turkey), which will culminate in a 2027 exhibition marking 150 years of German excavations. Sarah Van Marcke started a PhD project in 2024 on the history and representation of nature reserves, for which she is undertaking an extended artist residency in the UK, near Leeds. She is also preparing a solo exhibition at Botanique in Brussels (2025). Sine Van Menxel created the artist’s book A Table under a Tree (Royal Academy of Fine Arts - Hopper & Fuchs, 2023). A selection of photograms from this series was exhibited at the Raveel Museum (Machelen-aan-de-Leie) and the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Antwerp. Between 2020 and 2024, Liesbeth Decan led a research project on the Polish-Belgian artist Tapta, resulting in three exhibitions (at Arton Foundation, Warsaw; WIELS, Brussels; and Muzeum Susch, Switzerland) and three books published by Arton Foundation, Mousse Publishing, and Hatje Cantz. In March 2025, Eva Van Tongeren will present her new film Les mains qui travaillent (2024) at Art Cinema OFFoff in Ghent.

        In addition to lecturers such as Liesbeth Decan, Jan Theo de Jager, Aglaia Konrad, Melanie Matthieu, Wendy Morris, Els Opsomer, Ronny Smedts, Ana Torfs, Mitja Tušek, Kris Van Beek, Sarah Van Marcke, Sine Van Menxel, Eva Van Tongeren, Maarten Vanvolsem, and Danny Veys, you will also have the opportunity to engage with external artists and curators through guest lectures, talks, and workshops.

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