Psychological assistance

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For students of LUCA School of Arts & KU Leuven Faculty of Architecture

Stuvo provides short-term individual psychological guidance, group sessions, tutorials, online self-help tools and an overview of urgent external assistance.

Individual consult in Brussels

Pol Gerits 

  • psychologist
  • The intake interview is always free. For the follow-up appointments we ask a contribution of €5.
  • The appointments take place via Skype or at Pol's practice (Edmond Tollenaerestraat 56 bus 10, 1020 Laken).
  • +32 (0) 473 95 96 80

Sofie Giets

  • psychologist (systemic psychotherapy)
  • Have a free and confidential appointment (online or in real life at the Stuvo offices). Be aware of busy peak times at our service, so plan your appointment in time. If you can’t make it, please cancel in time, this frees up space for another student.
  • Lefrancqstraat 9, 1030 Brussel

Individual consult in Ghent

Anne-Marie Desmet 

  • Solution focused therapy & Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT).
  • Have a free and confidential appointment (online or in real life at the Stuvo offices). Be aware of busy peak times at our service, so plan your appointment in time. If you can’t make it, please cancel in time, this frees up space for another student.
  • Dutch and English spoken. 
  • Hoogstraat 41, 9000 Gent

Samantha Werthen

  • psychologist (clientcentered psychotherapy)
  • Have a free and confidential appointment (online or in real life at the Stuvo offices). Be aware of busy peak times at our service, so plan your appointment in time. If you can’t make it, please cancel in time, this frees up space for another student.
  • Dutch, English and Swedish spoken. 
  • Hoogstraat 41, 9000 Gent

Financial support for external psychotherapy

  • Normally, Stuvo LUCA does not provide financial support for external psychotherapy.
  • Students can contact the psychologists and therapists of Stuvo LUCA (Anne-Marie, Samantha and Sofie) for short-term counselling in all confidence and free of charge. Only for follow-up sessions with Pol in Brussels we charge a fee of €5/session.
  • Our psychologists and psychotherapists can refer you to external therapy. If you have difficulties paying for these sessions, you can submit a request for support to the social services of Stuvo LUCA. They will handle your request in all confidence. Please note that you should meet some conditions to get financial aid.
  • Therapy you attend externally on your own initiative, without a referral or advice from a Stuvo psychologist, is not covered by Stuvo.
  • Tip: ask your health insurance company about financial benefits for psychotherapy

Group sessions in Brussel and Gent

Check our Stuvo calendar! 

Individual consult in Leuven

Maaike De Zitter 

Or contact the Student Health Centre KU Leuven

Individual consult in Genk

Psychological Services

Emergency Help 

Emergency Help 24/7 

Tele-Onthaal: Call 106
Ambulance: Call 112
Suicide line: Call 1813
Awel: Call 102
On-call GP: Call 1733
Poison Centre: Call 070 245 245

Or contact 


MoodSpace is a place for students. Packed with reliable information, tips and self-help tools to tackle emotional problems or to help you study confidently. It offers room for student stories, peptalk and helps you find the help you need. It is thé check to put your mental health first. Check MoodSpace here.