
Where can I find my exam schedule?

The exam schedule is published via KU Loket > timetable.

Timetable for oral exams
For each oral exam, the teacher provides an individual timetable and communicates this to the students in a timely manner via Toledo.

Submitting papers/assignments during the exam period
All papers/theses/assignments are submitted on the specified date, according to the instructor's guidelines.

Students with a special status
A change in exam format may mean that a different type of support is needed. The care coaches provided some tips for this. You can find this in the memorandum on the application of exam facilities following adjustments to exam formats. In the context of inclusivity, all students are entitled to 1/3 more exam time.

Only the ombuds can, at the student's request, allow the rescheduling of an exam, in consultation with the teacher involved. This also applies if the cause is a technical malfunction that occurred during an online exams. 

Ombudsman contact detailsOmbuds office | LUCA (luca-arts.be)