
Register for the academic year 2025-2026

For programmes with a artistic aptitude test or (master) assessment: Start your application! 

For programmes without an test: registration is possible now!

> > > More information: see further under registration as a bachelor's student, master's student of LUCA CONTINUE.

Start in the second semester of 2024-2025

The following programmes offer the option to start in the second semester. (Programmes in Dutch)
LUCA CONTINUE: Microcredential Creative Skills (register via this link.)

You can prepare your registration with the 'tips and tricks' on this page.

Register as a NEW student

First registration

Choose your study programme


Information about the admission requirements and the procedure to start a bachelor's programme.


Information about the admission requirements and the procedure to start a master's degree.

3. Applying for LUCA Continue

Information about the admission requirements and the procedure to start a LUCA Continue programme

Register as a CURRENT student


Already a student at LUCA in 2024-2025?

You will be invited by email to re-register via the KU Loket. The day after receipt of the final exam results for the 2024-2025 academic year you will receive this email. This can be in June if you have participated in all subjects and have passed all the subjects. Or after the third examination period in August/September (regardless of whether you participate or not) and don't have to put in tolerances in your study progress file.

Register as a REFUGEE

Contact us via email

As a (future) student you can mention the following in your email regarding registration:

  1. your surname and first name as used while registering, ditto email address;
  2. the study programme and campus that concerns your question;
  3. a screenshot of where you are unable to upload a document, fill something in,...;
  4. your question as specific as possible.

We will help you as soon as possible, with the exception of the summer closure between July 10th and August 4th.