
Belgisch Stripcentrum, Brussel

Derf Backderf

Lectures & artist talks

On Friday 20th of January the American comic artist Derf Backderf ("My friend Dahmer", "Trashed" "Punk Rock & Mobile Homes") will pay us a visit and share his experience during a masterclass. During two hours he will reflect on his creative process, look back on his curriculum and delve deeper into the peculiarities of the American scene.

Do you want to attend? Jump and register for your ticket, we have a limited number of seats ! https://forms.gle/deT7c86BwKTkyMxz6

📅 20/1/2023

🕔 17:00-19:00

💰5€ / free for comic artists and students of comic art

A cooperation Stripgids / LUCA School of Arts / Pinceel / De Knalgele Kubus