Graphic Storytelling Studio, Sint-Lukas Brussel, B+2
Hello all!
We are again organizing this year a Dive Into Practice talk from Graphic Storytelling. Three alumni will talk to (and show) you where fate and their passion have brought them after graduating.
Anat Segal (B.Carrot), Shamisa Debroey en Mattias Ysebaert are our sweet hearted speakers of this year. We expect you on Wednesday 6 March from 6 pm in the atelier.
In addition to these three very nice guests, (also nice) snacks and drinks are waiting for you.
Moreover, we have a scoop: Uitweg, B.Carrot's new graphic novel will be presented during this DIP!
The conversation starts at 6:30 pm sharp. At 9:30 pm we chase everyone out again because the campus closes irrevocably at 10:00 pm.
Additional and interested audiences are welcome!