
Museum Dr. Guislain, Jozef Guislainstraat 43, 9000 Ghent

Doctoral defense Mariske Broeckmeyer

Doctoral defence

Mariske Broeckmeyer (research unit Music & Drama) will present her doctoral research in the Arts:

Unvoicing Migraine: A Study of the Failing Voice

The supervisory committee of the doctoral research consisted of supervisor prof. dr. Jeroen D’hoe (KU Leuven / LUCA School of Arts), co-supervisor prof. dr. Anneleen Masschelein (KU Leuven / LUCA School of Arts), prof. dr. Wendy Morris (KU Leuven / LUCA School of Arts) and dr. Leni Van Goidsenhoven (UAntwerpen / KU Leuven).

The members of the examination committee are:

  • Dr. Simon Van Damme (dean of the Associated Faculty of the Arts, director of LUCA School of Arts, head of the examination committee),
  • Prof. dr. Jeroen D’hoe (supervisor, KU Leuven / LUCA School of Arts),
  • Prof. dr. Anneleen Masschelein (co-supervisor, KU Leuven / LUCA School of Arts),
  • Dr. Yael Segalovitz (Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel),
  • Prof. dr. Wendy Morris (KU Leuven / LUCA School of Arts),
  • Prof. dr. Stéphane Symons (KU Leuven),
  • Prof. Dr. Matthias Heyman (LUCA School of Arts / Koninklijk Conservatorium Brussel / Vrije Universiteit Brussel),
  • Julia Eckhardt (musician)

The public doctoral defense will take place on Friday May 6 at 17h00 at Museum Dr. Guislain, Jozef Guislainstraat 43, 9000 Ghent. As from 19h30 there will be a reception.

If you would like to attend the doctoral defense please order a free ticket here before April 29.

Up until July 10 you can also visit her exhibition “Cripur Cripour”, a nonperformance on migraine and voice at Museum Dr. Guislain, Ghent.