
Terrarium, Luca School of Arts, Campus Sint-Lukas Brussel, Paleizenstraat 70, 1030 Brussel

Here be dragons²³


Practical information

February 22 > 24
Opening on February 22 at 19.00h

Exhibition on February 23 & 24, from 13.00 to 19.30h

Terrarium, Luca School of Arts, Campus Sint-Lukas Brussel, Paleizenstraat 70, 1030 Brussel

Here be dragons²³

Ancient cartographers used the Latin phrase Hic sunt dracones, or in old English Here be dragons, to indicate unknown territories on their maps. The phrase refers to all kinds of dangers these territories potentially had. Although meant as a warning, it certainly appealed adventurous minds to embark to these unknown areas. Today, metaphorically the phrase refers to any unknown or undocumented domain, waiting to be explored.
The exhibition entitled "Here be dragons 23" reveals the ongoing process of research and discovery of the current Master students Media & Information Design. It will give insights at the intervening stages they are working through in order to focus their master projects. Inspirational sources, critical texts, personal thoughts, drafts and sketches, experiments and iterations are at display. 
By curating, editing and displaying their thoughts and their work in a public context, these students will be stimulated to reflect upon their personal research process. In that sense this exhibition functions as a tool to provoke catharsis. At the same time, creating this exhibition – in all its aspects – is a profound exercise in communicating knowledge and designing information.

Participating students:

Gregory Denis

Maureen Durviaux

Che Go Eun

Ines Germeau

Irene Haegeman

Warre Kempeneers

Dea Khalvashi

Ilaria Iandolo

Federica Martinelli

Giorgi Megrelishvili

Simon Nelissen

Luiza Pop

Elise Reuschel

Marilia Rojas

Loyda Mejia Rondo

Ana Spagnolo Lopez

Florence Staring

Hanna Torseke

Maarten Vandevelde
