Campus Gent / Sint-Lucas

From Here To There

Lectures & artist talksExhibition

From Here To There - next Thursday, October 19, at de Carré Gent, LUCA campus Gent.

From Here To There is an engaging seminar and exhibition that delves into the world of artists' books, exploring their storytelling potential and the unique relationship they establish with the exhibition space. In the seminar we shift our focus to the concept of space, contemplating questions such as the spatial presence of a comic book on a bookshelf or within a gallery. Can a graphic novel coexist spatially with other art forms like performance or installation?

We will explore these questions with the books of artists Maya Strobbe and José Quintanar. Both artists will give a lecture about their work in the afternoon. We will close the day looking at graphic narrative and art books from ‘the other side’, with Two Peasants Looking Up, a performance by Senne Vandenschelde and Jef Van Der Brught.

From Here To There is a project initiated by Gabriël Molist Sancho, researcher at LUCA School of Arts, realised in collaboration with Image and Vroom Space.


9 am - 9 pm - Exhibition by Maya Strobbe and José Quintanar at De Carré 

4.30 pm - 6 pm - Lectures by Maya Strobbe and José Quintanar at Auditorium 2

6.30 pm - Two Peasants Looking Up, a performance by Senne Vandenschelde and Jef Van Der Brught

Venue: de Carré, Alexianenplein 2, Gent