
LUCA Erasmusdays 2023

Lectures & artist talks

Interesse om volgend academiejaar (2024-2025) te studeren of stage te lopen in het buitenland?

Kom dan langs tijdens de Erasmus Days!

Kom meer te weten over de uitwisselingsprogramma’s.
De internationaal coördinator en de internationale ankers van de opleidingen presenteren de verschillende mogelijkheden. Ze vertellen je ook hoe je kunt appliqueren. Studenten die een erasmuservaring achter de rug hebben, vertellen hun verhaal.

Interested in studying or doing an internship abroad next academic year (2024-2025)?

Then come along during the Erasmus Days!

Find out more about the exchange programs.
The international coordinator and the international anchors of the courses present the various options. They also tell you how to apply Students who have had an Erasmus experience tell their story.


October 9 – Campus C-Mine Genk

12:30-1:30 PM: general information session about doing an internship or studying abroad

6:00 PM - 7:30 PM: Online webinar with exchange stories

Listen, ask questions and be enthusiastic about testimonials from C-mine students and their foreign exchange.

What is their story, their experience and expanded perspective thanks to the adventure of their Erasmus+ mobility.

October 10 - Campus Lemmens Leuven

10am-3pm: Erasmus market with presentation at 1pm, Foyer

October 11 - Campus Sint-Lucas Ghent

1:00 PM - 2:00 PM: general information session about doing an internship or studying abroad, room A3
6:15 PM - 8 PM: talks with students who went on Erasmus, room A4

October 12 – Campus Sint-Lukas Brussels 

1 p.m. - 2 p.m.: general information session about doing an internship or studying abroad, Sint-Lukas room C-3.17

6:15 PM - 8 PM: talks with students who went on Erasmus, Sint-Lukas room C-3.17

October 12 - Narafi Vorst

12:30 PM - 1:30 PM: general information session about doing an internship or studying abroad, Narafi blue room C012

6:15 PM - 8 PM: talks with students who went on Erasmus, Sint-Lukas room C-3.17


9 oktober – Campus C-Mine Genk

12u30-13u30: algemene Infosessie over stage lopen of studeren in het buitenland

18u-19u30: Online webinar met uitwisselingsverhalen

Luister, stel je vragen en word enthousiast door getuigenissen van C-mine studenten en hun buitenlandse uitwisseling.

Wat is hun verhaal, hun ervaring en verruimde blik dankzij het avontuur van hun Erasmus+ mobiliteit.

10 oktober- Campus Lemmens Leuven

10-15u: Erasmusmarkt met om 13u presentatie, Foyer

11 oktober- Campus Sint-Lucas Gent

13u – 14u: algemene Infosessie over stage lopen of studeren in het buitenland , lokaal A3

18u15-20u : panelgesprek met studenten die op Erasmus gingen, lokaal A4

12 oktober – Campus Sint-Lukas Brussel 

13u – 14u: algemene Infosessie over stage lopen of studeren in het buitenland, Sint-Lukas lokaal C-3.17

18u15-20u : panelgesprek met studenten die op Erasmus gingen, Sint-Lukas lokaal C-3.17

12 oktober - Narafi Vorst

12u30-13u30: algemene Infosessie over stage lopen of studeren in het buitenland, Narafi blauwe zaal C012

18u15-20u : panelgesprek met studenten die op Erasmus gingen, Sint-Lukas lokaal C-3.17