Campus Lemmens
Lemmensberg 3
3000 leuven
Professional musicians often face great physical and mental pressure. This was found in a recent study by LUCA School of Arts, HIVA, and Idewe, commissioned by the European Commission.
Especially the multitude of tasks and responsibilities combined with often inadequate working conditions cause many professional musicians to face health problems sooner or later. These can be mental in nature, leading to sleep and psychological problems such as anxiety, depression or substance abuse. The risk of physical injury is also real due to lack of rest, excessive repetitive movements and lack of attention to ergonomics. As a result of this recent study, LUCA School of Arts, in collaboration with HIVA and UPC KU Leuven, is organising a fascinating study day aimed at DKO teachers, students, musicians and higher art education teachers alike. Leading speakers will speak from their scientific, clinical and musical expertise about good practices and important needs in the music landscape.
More info about the programme, speakers etc. can be found here.